I like to share pictures of food…

The Onion Bun Burger with Side Salad (my creation)

From the kitchen of Julia Soukup, Cheftress

I enjoy eating and thus enjoy cooking when I can. I also enjoy when my cupboards are running low and I need to be creative with limited ingredients. I feel I am pretty good at it. Anyway, today, I was cooking lunch for my 93-year-old mother (she lives with ME folks… not the other way around. This is MY house and she sold hers and moved in with me several years ago) and myself, and in looking at the ingredients in my fridge it was going to be hamburgers and a side salad. I saw I only had one slice of bread left and I am trying to go back to low carbs as well. That’s when I saw BIG yellow onions in a bulk bag you buy from SAM’s Club. Gotta use those babies up!

I usually dice onions and fry them up in the same pan as the burgers are frying for a nice topping to our burgers. This time I diced up onions for a topper but I also made nice thick 1/8” slices of onion. You may like thicker, but I didn’t want them so thick all you would taste is onion. You will need to keep the slice intact.

I put one raw egg into a pie tin and whisked that a bit with a fork. I added salt and pepper to the egg mixture. I added cooking oil to my fry pan and got the oil hot. I placed each onion slice into the egg and turned carefully with my turner, coating each side liberally. I dropped them into the hot frying pan of oil and got them crisp on both sides (About 2 minutes on each side, depending upon your stove. Mine is old so took a bit longer… lol.)

When they were golden on both sides I placed them again in the egg mixture, coating both sides, and then gently placed them in my 2nd pie tin, that contained a mixture of corn flour, regular flour, gourmet burger spice, a bit of corn starch (adds crispiness when frying stuff), and paprika. Next time I am going to play with the spices a bit more and add a bit more zing to it. I bet a bit of chipotle seasoning would be awesome.

Now that the slices were re-egged and coated with my flour mixture I placed back into the pan of hot oil (I had to add more cooking oil) and fried to a nice crisp golden brown.

Meanwhile the diced onions are still frying in a corner of my pan. Some of the four mixture came off of the “onion buns” and I mixed it into the diced onions. YUM…. Now crispy fried onions with a bit more flavor and crunch!

When the onions were crispy and golden, I set them aside on the serving plates and added my hamburgers (1/4 lb burgers) to the frying pan and cooked until done.

Serve the hamburger on the “onion buns” with ketchup and pickles. You could also top with cheese, but I would recommend mozzarella or pepper jack instead of cheddar as you will lose the flavor of the onion.

I made a nice spring kale mix salad (kale, spinach, and other healthy dark green stuff) with shredded iceberg lettuce added for crunch (romaine would be divine, but I was out), sliced carrots, sliced celery and ranch dressing. I put the fried crunchy diced onion on top of the salad. YUM!

This was fun to create, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! I will be trying this one again. Now I have onion breath… oh well… no vampires dare come close… or is that garlic? LOL

P.S. You can see my admiring fan, photo bombing my lunch photo! Of course, they think I am the best chef in the world! And they actually do eat their fresh veggies too. I reserved a few slices of carrots and celery for them.

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