Breakfast for Champions

Vegetable Omelet ala Alfredo

Well I don’t know about that… but it was GOOD! Just an omelet for breakfast today, but I utilitzed the limited ingredients in my fridge and that always makes me feel good for some reason.

I fried a strip of bacon to a crisp and cut into small pieces. I diced up some onion and also diced up some left over prince Edward medley (green beans, baby carrots, yello wax beans) from last nights dinner and sauted in the same pan. I added 5 eggs and poured in some condensed milk added salt and peper. I mixed it up kept folding until it was cooked through. I then poured leftover alfredo sauce (1 carb!) onto the omelet and let that heat up for a few minutes. It was delicious!

My biggest fans always waiting and hoping for a bite!

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