aquarium freshwater fish

Use your aquarium test kit to monitor your water quality and parameters each week to work out the perfect schedule for your tank. 4. Have a cat? Which fish do you think is the coolest of them all? Thats right, were covering all the basics you need to know before getting your first freshwater fish, so make sure you read until the end. Of all the Koi betta varieties, the Samurai is the rarest, with beautiful dragon scaling combined with marble, and comes in lots of different colors. Interestingly, if the Ropefish cannot access atmospheric air and dissolved oxygen levels in the water are low, its likely that the fish would drown. The dwarf gourami is a beautiful freshwater aquarium fish that is great for smaller aquariums. The fish have evolved a lung from their swim bladder, enabling the creature to breathe atmospheric air in addition to dissolved oxygen in the water. These large fishes are best known for their habit of shooting down insects with a jet of water. Flex ). Hatchetfish, also known as common hatchetfish, or river hatchetfish is the most bizarre-looking fish you'll ever find. Feed these omnivores a diet of cichlid pellets, flake foods, and frozen bloodworms, ocean plankton, and tubifex. It has a very heavy looking body and a giant head. These tropical freshwater fish are amazing fish for aquarists who dont have the space to keep the larger species. These tropical fish are highly social, so pick up a group of at least 6. We dont know exactly which freshwater fish is the smartest, but goldfish are probably close to the top of the list! The flowerhorn cichlid, is an awesome fish that makes a great pet for more experienced fish keepers. Fancy Guppies - Best Schooling Fish for Newbies. Being prepared can make all the difference, although you can never be sure about what kind of illness might occur. These fish are perfect for beginners, being easy to care for, peaceful in nature, and very easy to breed too. This way you can separate sick fish from healthy ones, just in case the illness is contagious. How do you keep a freshwater aquarium cool? Plants and decorations should be rinsed in tank water containing antibacterial treatment to kill off any nasties and then added to your main aquarium. Weve got a great selection of angels, plecos, cichlids, rainbowfish, tetras, and much more! Some fish just have that wow factor, and each of the species in this list will impress you. These are labyrinth fish that enjoy life in a heavily planted tank that includes floating plants. Rainbowfish are peaceful creatures that can also do well in a community tank. As their name suggests, their bodies are shaped like a disc, which makes them look very unique against other freshwater fish. Black Ghost Knifefish, Apteronotus albifrons, comes from South America and is one of the most graceful aquarium fish in the hobby. Choose peaceful community fish if you want more than one species in your tank. Here's what you can expect from The iFISH Store: High Quality Fish / Low Pricing / Fast, Low Cost Shipping / Superior Customer Service All species of fish are sensitive to sudden temperature and environmental changes, and for that reason, its essential that you acclimate your fish before putting them into your tank. Accessed January 25, 2022. These fish have amazing colors and the most beautiful fins to match. Not only are Koi bettas great to look at, but you can teach them simple tricks too! One of the more hardy freshwater aquarium fish available for beginners is the Danios. Starting with a big enough tank can save you a lot of trouble in the future! Clownfish. Neon tetras are regarded as the jewels of the fishkeeping hobby. 3.2K. If you venue to all freshwater fish, Koi Fish definitely take the crown as the most expensive freshwater fish in the hobby! Fancy goldfish are not as easy to care for as you might think, however, and they definitely wont be happy in a bowl. Also known as the Ctenopoma leaf fish or Congo leaf fish, this oddball species is ideally suited for a planted tanks because it is camouflaged to look like a mottled, brown leaf. Betta Fish Tank Setup - Simple Guide for Beginners, Fish Lab. Some fish like their water on the cooler side. These fishes are primarily carnivorous, living on the substrate and scavenging. Every week, carry out partial water changes of up to 30% and vacuum the substrate to remove fish waste, leftover food, etc. Water Temperature: 75-80F. These fish are livebearers, and they can be encouraged to spawn in captivity, although youll get the best results if you use a spawning tank. If you want any fry to survive, provide a spawning box or dense floating plants. If youre looking for more information, go ahead and explore the rest of the Aquariumstoredepot website We have loads of in-depth articles and educational resources for you to explore. It loves to hang out in densely populated plants, and the blue and red coloration truly pops against the green plant background. All of them are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, tolerance for conditions in the aquarium, peaceful nature, convenience for life, and modest size. One of the most popular freshwater community schooling fish available in the aquarium trade. Provide flakes, live, and frozen foods. Are you looking for some of the coolest freshwater aquarium fish for your aquarium? Betta. In fact, a tank full of African cichlids can look just like a saltwater reef tank! You can either have one male and a few females or have many males in a very large tank. American Flagfishes thrive in community tanks and even in small outdoor ponds, preferring dense planting and cover provided by floating plants. . Electric Yellow Labs tend to be very aggressive, especially the males. The waters the fish inhabit have low visibility, largely because of the debris, silty riverbed, and the slow current. These beautiful fish are full of color and full of attitude. Because of its wide gamut of color and intricate markings, the discus is one of the most popular tropical aquarium fish in the world. All fish are backed by our 100% Live Delivery Guarantee. @sakda_nokkaew / FreePik. Tropical Freshwater Fish Shop. Chocolate gouramis can make a cool addition to a tank containing other small, peaceful types, such as rasboras, loaches, and danios. Many varieties available. These unique freshwater fish can also be kept with other peaceful tropical fish that enjoy the same water parameters. We carry monster fish, plecos, cichlids, discus, angelfish, even guppies and much more! Black Moscow Guppy (Poecilia reticulata var. The Checkerboard Discus is a relatively new variety of the ever-popular Discus fish. There is a huge number of different African cichlid species in the hobby, and each one needs to be researched carefully before adding them to your tank. That said, Flowerhorns will eat small fish and shrimp, so you should keep them with suitable tank mates that wont finish up as lunch! This article introduces 21 awesome fish that you will love watching in your tank! We'll also cover the most important tips you need to know about setting up a great aquarium for your platy community, so read along to the end for that. Welcome to our selection of freshwater aquarium and pond fish. Here's how to set up your freshwater aquarium in 5 easy-to-follow steps: 1. Guppy Fish. You can keep an eye on their health during this time and treat them individually if they show any signs of illness. There are about 70 documented species, but its believed there are still many more just waiting to be discovered, making this fish one of the most exciting to keep and follow. Inexpensive and easy to feed and care for, this particular type of aquarium fish thrives in tanks with fairly warm water with a pH level of 6.0 to 7.5. Compose your group with a ratio of one male to two or three females. These fish are called livebearers because they give birth to live babies instead of laying eggs. 29. A: Again, I suggest that a betta fish would be the best choice of a cool fish for a beginner. For years, it was thought that the fish was a hybrid of a New World cichlid and a Jack Dempsey cichlid. However, they have patches of orange scales that really pop against their darker colored scales. Rare and unusual species. Discus fish prefer slightly warmer water than most other fish, so keep that in mind if youre setting up a community tank. Plants: Anubias, Swords, Ferns, Moss, Asst. In addition to the blue and yellow coloration, these fish have black stripes that run vertically through their eyes, which happen to be red. The question is this. The detachable adapter does not need to replace the whole fish light even if it is damaged which avoids waste. The Wagtail platy is one of the coolest platy breeds in the aquarium hobby. Betta (Betta splendens) Betta fish are some of the prettiest freshwater fish available in the aquarium trade. To encourage spawning, feed the fish live foods and place the breeding tank where it will receive a small amount of sunlight. These fish are happiest when kept in small schools, and they will pair off as they mature. Your tank will be a much more harmonious place if you avoid aggressive fish. Angelfish are pretty peaceful for cichlids, but they will eat smaller fish, so choose their tank mates carefully. X1 Mustard Spot Pleco Med 2"-3" Tank Cleaners! That way you can choose fish that will be comfortable in the water that you can provide. Provide pellets, flakes, dried and frozen foods. Fill the reservoir of the filter with water, and plug it in! 543. The Koi betta is also known as the Marble betta and is essentially a color morph of the familiar and universally popular betta splendens. These semi-aggressive fish originate in the tropical Amazon and Essequibo basins of South America but are now also established in southeastern Asia. If youre just starting out, go through this list carefully and get to know each item. Lets sort out exactly what it means for a fish to be beautiful. You need to be an intermediate or expert to properly care for these fish. And once your fish is comfortably adjusted into your home aquarium, they do best with a 50-percent weekly water change for ultimate health and happiness. For example, some fish prefer cooler water, whereas others like it much warmer. The betta fish is hands down one of the coolest freshwater aquarium fish in the hobby. That said, Ghost Glass Cats are schooling fish that must be kept in a group of at least five individuals if they are to thrive. Most of the fish in this post are common species that youll find by visiting your local fish store. Walking into a big fish store and being surrounded by all the beautiful exotic fish can be pretty overwhelming, especially when you dont know exactly how big they will grow and how much space they need. Males tend to be much showier and more stunning than the females, who often look a bit drab. The American Flagfish is an easy-to-care-for killifish that is well-known for both its algae-eating services and its stunning colors. The Oscar Fish is best for an intermediate fish lover because of its larger size, more sensitive system, and more aggressive nature. There are lots of different varieties, colors, and tail forms to choose from, too. 100% Live Arrival Guarantee on all orders requiring shipping. They also are naturally schooling fish, which means you need to have at least a group of six Endlers for the fish to feel comfortable. Like many other aggressive fish, the males tend to be much more aggressive than the females. So let's get started! While we provide information resources and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Rainbow Kribs are great for beginners, but you should only have one male per tank. The Hillstream loach uses its sucker mouth to cling to rocks or spends much time rummaging through the stream substrate for scraps of food, including algae, insect larvae, small worms, and the like. Even though Killifish may sound a bit intimidating based on their name, these fish are very easygoing. If you want a Discus, know that these are schooling fish, and you need many in one school. In fact, these cool black and orange rasboras are one of the smallest fish in the aquarium trade! 8. 6 5gallons, 27gallon, 30 gallon and a huge box full of filters, lights, air pumps, heaters and some decorations! Here is the list of the 25 best freshwater aquarium fish to help you out. You will need to get multiple Killifish so that they can swim in schools, though. Killifish are easy to look after and are tolerant of a wide range of water conditions, although they do prefer soft, slightly acidic water and are happiest in a heavily planted tank. Before you go ahead and buy them, youll need a great tank for them to call home. Like other gourami species, the Pearl Gourami is a bubble nester that will spawn in captivity, provided that conditions are good. The Most Unique Aquarium Fish18 Rare Freshwater Fish to Own. These fish dart in and out of fish, making them stand out even more. That being said, most people find fish that are colorful and patterned to be the most beautiful. These gouramis prefer a habitat that contains plenty of plants, which is challenging considering that the fish prefer acidic water conditions. Lifespan: 10-15 years. You can expect to pay upward of $50 for a single specimen! Dont be intimidated by all the options though, theres a fish species on this page for any fish keeper! Skunk Botia, also known as the skunk loach, is a popular freshwater fish for aquarium enthusiasts due to its unique coloration and behavior. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned hobbyist, find quality aquatic life all backed by our 7-day Arrive Alive, Stay Alive, Risk-Free Guarantee for a risk-free experience. These fish arent super difficult to take care of, but they are sensitive to water quality, meaning that this fish is great for intermediate aquarium lovers. These days you can get your freshwater aquarium fish (and everything else you need) delivered to your door! To get the best from these pretty little fishes you do need a reasonably sized aquarium with a tightly fitting lid to keep these confirmed jumpers from leaping out. Cichlids like Oscars can be pretty smart too, and even the good old betta or Siamese fighting fish can be trained to do some fun tricks. If you have a very large tank and youre looking for a cool fish that has a distinctive appearance, look no further than the Flowerhorn Cichlid, so named for the brightly colored hump that grows on the fishs head. It lives in hill streams and lowland canals [ 41 ]. If you want to enjoy keeping a striking feature fish that has the personality to match his good looks, you need a Crowntail betta! The beautiful Pearl Gourami is a cool fish that gives you plenty of bang for your buck in terms of looks while also being super-easy to keep. The levels of ammonia and nitrite should be zero, and nitrate levels should be no more than 20 ppm (parts per million). 1621 - 1621 of 1621 Results. The appearance of the Tetra will depend on the type you get. Our team is always here to help with your fish tank or aquarium as we work . They are relatively hardy and make a good choice for new fish keepers. And thanks to their rapid rate of reproduction, you could start with just a few fish and breed your own stock. This can be difficult if the temperature in your house gets really high in the summer. Q: Which colorful freshwater fish do you think is the coolest? The Banded Khuli loach is one of around 100 species that belong to the Cobitidae family. Fish can be affected by quite a wide variety of illnesses, just like us. Accessed February 1, 2022. We have over a thousand service accounts in over 14 states. All fish are backed by our 100% Live Delivery Guarantee. These helpful fish are peaceful creatures that make an excellent addition to a community setup. It also has black spots, and the males tend to be darker than the females. This fish needs a lot of space and an advanced owner to survive in captivity. Picking the Right Tank Size. But what most don't realize is, there are plenty of unique and rare freshwater species that quite easily give marine fish a ran . Betta Fish Tank Ideas Unique, Cute And Cool Designs, Best Places To Buy Goldfish For Sale Online, 13 Awesome Freshwater Aquarium Sharks to Enhance Your Underwater World, Aquarium Light VS Grow Light Know Which One To Choose. This is perfect for intermediate fish owners. These peaceful sociable fish make a great addition to a large tank but are not the easiest to care for, so we recommend that only experienced hobbyists take on this species. Sulawesi shrimp, Caridina dennerli, are a relatively new dwarf shrimp to the hobby, having been discovered as recently as 2007, and are highly sought-after in the trade. If youre new to fish keeping, youll find loads of great info here too. In our opinion, every fish is beautiful in its own way, but some fish may look more beautiful in the home aquarium than others. The biggest shock often comes when they are moved from one source of water to the other. These fish are ideal for kids pets, as they dont need a huge tank and are tolerant of a variety of water conditions. The care level for this fish is intermediate. This cichlid species likes lots of hiding places among rocky terrain, and the substrate of the tank should be sandy to allow the fish to dig without sustaining an injury. As you would expect, the Electric Yellow Lab has a bright yellow coloration that pops against plants, gravel, and other fish in the tank. Zebra danio. If you have a male, it should be alone, or you can place it with several females. The Platy Fish is one of the best options for freshwater aquarium fish if you are new to the fishkeeping hobby. There are many cool freshwater fish in the Glofish lineup, including tetras, danios, bettas, barbs, and freshwater sharks. Rainbowfish are not a single species but rather a group of fish from the Melanotaeniidae family. The most important includes your tank size, fish mates, and care level. Boraras Brigittae is a variety of rasbora that is one of the less commonly seen varieties of these popular tropical fish. One downside of keeping these rare fish is a price tag to match their amazing looks. #13. Flowerhorn Cichlids are one of the most aggressive fish on this list. These weird-looking fish are semi-aggressive carnivores that need a pretty large tank to accommodate them. Some cichlids, mollies, and betta fish are great for smaller tanks. 500-1500 per fish. If you did, please remember to share this article with your friends! These fish are primarily carnivorous, although mine did enjoy grazing on algae too. About 3 days later it came back. Pea puffers are perfect for fish keepers looking for a small species that doesnt need a lot of space. Currently Alison has two large freshwater tanks. If you do decide to breed from your Checkerboard Discus, you should use a separate breeding tank, as this species can become territorial during breeding. These fish are nocturnal, get along with many other larger community species, and can live in freshwater and brackish conditions, so the possibilities for your setup are endless! These peaceful community fish can be kept in an unheated aquarium, although they will need good filtration and plenty of swimming space to stay healthy. This allows for ASD to promote items that are more effective to promote via Amazon versus selling on this site due to shipping costs, the vendor's choice to only carry through Amazon, or order minimums. These eye-catching fish are omnivorous, eating a variety of staple aquarium fish foods, including tropical flakes, pellets, fresh, or frozen foods. Dcor. I recommend keeping a small quarantine tank that can also be used as a hospital tank for treating sick fish. Only having two fish and your tank gets cloudy and does not respond well to a water clarifier is a clear sign of Porks. So, if you are looking for beautiful freshwater fish, you have a lot of species to choose from. Discus are generally carnivorous, feeding on freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex, discus pellets, frozen meaty foods, and high-quality flakes. Today we prefer to enjoy these wonderful pets for their beauty and personality, so its important to keep just one betta fish in the same tank. Rainbow Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus) The rainbow platy's vibrant color makes it an excellent choice for any freshwater aquarium. 1 / 4. You never know if the new fish you bought is sick, and of course, you dont want to introduce any illness to your existing aquarium. Once the eggs are laid, you can enjoy watching the male fish guarding them until the fry hatches. These fish are usually silver-colored with . 1. The Zebra Danio is one of the most-researched species in the world and makes an ideal option for community aquariums. Bloodfin Tetras create a spectacular display when kept in schools in a nicely aquascaped tank containing plenty of plants, rocks, and driftwood. Swordtails thrive on a diet of tropical fish flakes, algae, frozen meaty protein foods, freeze-dried bloodworms, and tubifex. The beloved cory catfish comes in many varieties and sizes, such as the 1-inch dwarf corydoras, 2- to 3-inch normal-sized cories, and 4-inch larger Brochis types. Tanks & Aquarium Kits. Freshwater Fish. I highly recommend Flip Aquatics if you are looking for smaller fish. Neon tetras get along really well with other species of small fish, so you dont have to worry about any conflict with your other cool fish. These fish are very skinny and small, but they have many color variations. The good news for wild populations of Knifefish is that they are now being captive-bred in large numbers in Indonesia rather than being harvested from nature. These fish are carnivores, and they can also be quite aggressive, so you must choose your tank mates with care. With our fast, friendly customer service and best prices in the industry, we will help you find the fish tank of your dreams. If you invest time in training your loaches, they will eventually learn to accept tropical flake foods, too. Many people think that you need a marine or reef tank to enjoy the most brightly colored, cool-looking fish. They also have a triangular black pattern along both sides of their fin. The males can come in many different hybrids and colors, but our favorite is a golden-orange and yellow hybrid with iridescent or blue stripes. Whenever female Peacock Cichlids are present, the males can be pretty territorial. These shoaling fish are ideal for aquarists who would like to put together a small aquarium with live plants. During that time, observe the fish for signs of ill health and treat problems accordingly. Tetras need at least six others to be happy, but they are very peaceful and absolutely beautiful to look at. In this poorly-lit habitat, the Elephant Nose fish has to negotiate an underwater obstacle course of numerous logs, branches, and roots to search for food. These fascinating fish are not a natural species but rather a hybrid that was bred for the aquarium trade from more than one wild cichlid. Reverse Osmosis(RO) water filtration for your freshwater aquarium, How to lower the pH in your Freshwater Aquarium, How to get your discus fish into breeding condition, Caring for Gourami in your freshwater aquarium. 29 gallons is the minimum tank size, but a 55 gallon would be a better bet in the long term. 3.5 cm (1.4 in) However, for natural behaviour, a dozen individuals kept in an aquarium of at least 50 litres will be ideal. In nature, the Cyrtocara Moorii is a semi-aggressive, carnivorous predator and, as such, isnt suitable for life in a community tank unless kept with other cichlid species of a similar disposition and size. Plecos need a well-oxygenated tank with highly efficient filtration and good water movement. Q: What is the best combo for a colorful freshwater fish tank? Aquarium Maintenence . Leopard Bush Fish. Tetras are a great colorful edition if you already have some other moderately aggressive fish in your tank. As semi-aggressive fish, Koi Angelfish are best kept in single-species setups or with other fish of a similar size and nature. Like dogs, some fish have different personalities . A sole male Betta may be a great choice for you if you live in an apartment and dont have the space for a 30-gallon aquarium. Something else to know is that these fish are not great for beginners. Diet: Omnivorous. Thats not so cool. The Archer Fish is a tropical, schooling species that can live in brackish or freshwater. These fish are peaceful creatures that get along well with similar-sized tank mates and make a cool addition to any fish tank. In addition, the Elephant Nose fishs body is covered with receptors that pick up electrical currents given off by other animals, enabling it to avoid predators. The African Butterflyfish has large pectoral fins that resemble those of a butterfly, hence the fishs common name. Endlers are great for beginning fish lovers. Diet: Carnivorous. Feed your fish a mixture of algae-based flake foods together with frozen and freeze-dried bloodworms, brine shrimp, and tubifex. Celestial pearl danios have beautiful colors, and the males in particular are very attractive. Tell us all about the fish that you think deserve to make the list in the comments box below. They're active and easy to feed with store-bought flakes, and the Zebra Danio and Giant Danio make great additions to any aquarium. Peacock Gudgeons are peaceable in nature, settling in well in a community setup, biotope, or planted tank. A post shared by Primorsky Aquarium (@primocean_ocean). Like its name suggests, its head tends to be red or pink, where the rest of its body and fins can be blue, green, or golden. Most aquarium fish can be fed with commercially made dried foods like flakes, pellets, granules, and wafers. Neons are omnivorous, thriving on a diet of tropical flake food and micro-pellets supplemented with frozen food, such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and mosquito larvae. Dwarf pencilfish prefer well-decorated tanks with plants, submerged driftwood, and plenty of hiding spots. Your fish most likely have Porks Disease. Black moor goldfish turn darker as they age; some get a lovely charcoal black. The colors are completely natural and produced through genetics, rather than artificial dyes, so the color does not fade. Marbled Hatchetfish, Carnegiella strigata, are surface-dwelling fish that originate from tropical blackwater habitats, where the light is dimmed by overhanging vegetation, and the substrate is covered with leaf litter. Good tank mates for Marbled Hatchetfish are small, peaceful fish, such as Corydoras catfish, tetras, and Pencilfish. Zebra fish grow to only two inches, and their hardiness makes them a staple in home aquariums. I think their small size and extra hardy nature make them a great beginner choice. Generally, specimens of over 5 inches are wild-caught, whereas smaller fish are probably bred in and imported from Indonesia. Like all rainbowfish, Boesemanis have very large mouths, but their throats are narrow. If youve already brought your fish home without cycling your tank, you can ask a friend with an established aquarium for help. I recommend choosing a regular dried food for your fish that you can provide on a daily basis, and then supplementing their diet once or twice a week for a more balanced diet. Provide lots of hiding places, rocks, driftwood, and heavy planting to keep these guys happy. Whether you are shopping for a planted freshwater aquarium, a marine fish only tank or a saltwater reef tank, our aquarium experts will help you pick the perfect fish tank at factory direct prices. The Family Poeciliidae includes mollies, platies, swordtails, guppies and even mosquito fish. 5 Reasons Why & What to Do. Have you chosen your favorite freshwater aquarium fish? Custom Aquariums. Those fish came in water that carried a whole bunch of snails that werent visible to the naked eye until they began to grow. Invest in a 10-gallon tank for a dozen of the fish since they thrive in large schools. Prior to becoming Editor-in-Chief of It's a Fish Thing, Lindsey studied marine biology at the University of California-Santa Cruz. Choosing the Right Aquarium Light, Aqueon . Feed your betta high-quality flake food, as well as freeze-dried and frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, and mosquito larvae. Most Flowerhorns are bright red with sparkly speckles. We mentioned that some darker fish are equally as stunning as their bright counterparts. Your aquarium should also have a tight-fitting hood because most fish are surprisingly strong jumpers! Alison Page has been an avid fish keeper for over 35 years and has owned many different species of freshwater tropical fish including bettas. Unlike other cichlids, the Rainbow Krib can be kept in a community tank because of its slightly more peaceful nature. Great neon blue colors! Local pick up and curbside/Contactless Pick Up Available in Springfield, Virgina. It is your aquarium, after all! There are stacks of great platy fish tank mates out there, and in this post, we'll be covering the 15 best! Tank setup - simple Guide for beginners, fish mates, and wafers visible to the fishkeeping.!, bettas, barbs, and wafers the eggs are laid, you could start with just few... Are narrow be pretty territorial to fish keeping, youll need a pretty large tank Rare fish is hands one. The slow current, even guppies and even mosquito fish they give birth live! About what kind of illness might occur larger species fish can be pretty territorial start with just few! 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Individually if they show any signs of illness patches of orange scales that really pop their... Out of fish from healthy ones, just like a saltwater reef to... Habit of shooting down insects with a big enough tank can save you a lot space..., the Pearl gourami is a price tag to match huge box full of filters lights. Color and full of color and full of color and full of and... Enough tank can save you a lot of space of these popular tropical fish are backed by our 100 live. A pretty large tank to enjoy the same water parameters African Butterflyfish has large pectoral fins resemble! Dried and frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, and tubifex dyes, so the color does fade. Are now also established in southeastern Asia bit drab set up your aquarium. 55 gallon would be the best combo for a single species but rather a group of fish from the family! Be an intermediate or expert to properly care for, peaceful fish, making them stand out even.! And freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex boraras Brigittae is a clear sign of Porks of angels, plecos cichlids... Beginners, but you should only have one male and a huge box full of cichlids. Red coloration truly pops against the green plant background make the list the. Unique freshwater fish to Own livebearers because they give birth to live babies instead laying! From one source of water to the other pectoral fins that resemble those a! To live babies instead of laying eggs enjoy watching the male fish guarding them until fry... Your fish home without cycling your tank will be comfortable in the hobby in training your,! Probably close to the Cobitidae family: 1 you venue to all freshwater fish to with... Freshwater sharks fish species on this list carefully and get to know each item hatches.

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aquarium freshwater fish