ethnography: principles in practice pdf

Digital Ethnography comes with an exciting and inspiring range of case studies that demonstrate how thoroughly digitally mediated we are, and how previous . 57, 87 labelling 25, 278, 38 laboratory studies 128, 134 Labov, W. 108 Lacey, C. 33, 159 Landes, R. 61 Landow, G.P. Sampson, H. (2004) Navigating the waves: the usefulness of a pilot in qualitative research, Qualitative Research, 4, 3: 383402. He reports that one of the effects of his being seen in this way was that: when I tried to hold casual conversations or formal interviews with a number of low-income men, they avoided looking me in the face and often suggested that I talk to someone else who was considered a bigger man than they. Burgess (ed.) These mapping exercises generate complex systems of relations between the elements and layers of the social situation. Finally, the Guide provides a series of final thoughts and ideas for future engagement with ethnography in medical education. For example, deception is often proscribed, and the establishment of fully informed consent with participants insisted on. And, while combining different methods, for particular purposes, What is ethnography? From the gomers standpoint, life inside the hospital is so much better than the miserable existence he endures outside that he exerts every effort to gain admission, or rather readmission, to the hospital. You mean that it isnt that you dont have problems, but you take them up and talk them over before you write them up, is that it? Here are some examples of ethnography: 1. Schutzs (1964) account of the experience of the stranger matches most obviously the work of anthropologists, who typically study societies very different from their own. Directive questioning and non-directive questioning are likely to provide different kinds of data, and thus may be useful at different stages of inquiry. has it ever occurred to you to become active in the Ladies Auxiliary of your husbands hospital? This was the only advice I received. The great virtue of code-and-retrieve software capabilities lay in the fact that one could attach several codes to particular stretches of data, with segments overlapping one another, and codes nesting within one another. In other words, rather than having a single narrative or a single authorial viewpoint, ethnographic texts would have more variegated textures, combining different kinds of writing style, and shifting viewpoint. That is why some Research design: problems, cases and samples 25 1EEE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 EEE3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 4 5EEE 6 7 8 9 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41EEE of the most important biological problems have not yet appeared on the agenda of practical research. The initially exploratory character of ethnographic research means that it will often not be clear where, within a setting, observation should be begin, which actors need to be shadowed, and so on. He was dressed extremely casually (as well as having very long hair). Gubrium and D. Silverman (eds) Qualitative Research Practice, London: Sage. Even in formal bureaucratic organizations it is not always obvious whose permission needs to be obtained, or whose good offices it might be advisable to secure. We can input and store vast amounts of written and visual materials. An example is research on terminal illness and how those who are dying, their relatives, friends, and relevant professionals deal with the situation. McKie, L. (2002) Engagement and evaluation in qualitative inquiry, in T. May (ed.) (Lofland 1970: 423) Elsewhere, he provided an extended discussion of the varieties of typology and how they might be developed (Lofland 1971; see also Lofland et al. . My experiences as a novice researcher doing a critical ethnography in long-term residential care are described, with particular attention to the linkages between the study's theoretical perspective, method of inquiry, and criteria for trustworthiness and how these elements guided my actions in the field. (2001) The Faultline of Consciousness: A View of Interactionism in Sociology, New York: Aldine de Gruyter. Bogdan and Taylor (1975) provide an example of one way in which gatekeepers may try to influence things: We know one novice who contacted a detention home in order to set up a time to begin his observation. But the term negotiation also refers to the much more wide-ranging and subtle process of manoeuvring oneself into a position from which the necessary data can be collected. In settings of scientific and medical work, visual culture may also be of fundamental importance, with data themselves being constructed in visual terms. For instance, in his classic study of horse-racing, Marvin Scott (1968) poses the question What is a horse? This alerts us to the fact that while in some ways the meaning of horse is self-evident, for those closely interested in the racing game, the meanings attached to that deceptively simple category can vary subtly. If this is done there is no danger of being confronted at the end of the fieldwork with an undifferentiated collection of material, with only ones memory to guide analysis. I have been frequenting pornographic bookstores and movie theatres for some nine months Despite my relatively long experience I have not been able to overcome my uneasiness during activity in these contexts. Where did I go to school and what age was I when I had my first sexual encounter? (Cannon 1992: 164) In our discussion here, we have assumed that interviews involve face-to-face encounters. They were the participant observers as much as Zorbaugh himself. Equally important, divulging some sorts of information might affect peoples behaviour in ways that will invalidate any conclusions from the research. I said it was one of those drunken things but this was in fact a lie, the first one that I told . When I think someones wrong, Ill say what I think. One cannot address the complex social realities of scientific work, and the production of scientific knowledge, without paying serious attention to how and why scientific papers are written. (Hoffman 1980: 467) Abandoning her original research design based on interviewing a representative sample from different institutions, Hoffman therefore started to select informants on the basis of social ties. An example is the community study movement, which spanned the two disciplines (Crow 2018). We had difficulty in even remembering the questions we wanted to ask let alone getting them out of our mouths in an intelligible manner. Similarly, much activity in public settings is fleeting and transient. He also suggested that I should go to the Community Center at 10: 00 this evening and get further guidance from the senior leaders. and Kimball, S.T. A much more recent example is provided by Guptas use of a prize-winning novel written by an official of the Uttar Pradesh (U.P.) Burgess (ed.) In practice, many ethnographers will find themselves interweaving categories of both sorts. Thus, for example, the organization of periods of observation, with alternating periods of writing and other work, must be done with a view to the systematic sampling of action and actors (see Chapter 2). The process of analysis 175 1EEE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 EEE3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 4 5EEE 6 7 8 9 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41EEE Bill: Joey: PW: Joey: PW: Joey: PW: Joey: The ought to treat us how theyd like us to treat them . There is, in other words, a direct homology between the social action under investigation and its ethnographic representation (Dumit 2004). 1995 Ethnography: Principles in Practice, Second. As regards theoretical inferences, by contrast with experimental research it cannot physically control variables so as to reveal associations that are likely to indicate causal relations. Having become friends with one of the Mohawks, he tried to revert to the role of anthropologist. You want to retreat for another day. That exercise makes one more aware of ones own work as a writer, as well as sharpening awareness of textual possibilities. This is to facilitate in-depth study. If the research is covert, then note-taking in the course of participation will often be practically impossible. In fact, neither of these cases is entirely straightforward in their own terms. 162 The process of analysis There is a wide variety of approaches to analysis of this sort. Great wealth of expression was got into boring, boredom, its so bo-or-ring here. (Webb and Webb 1932: 83) Moreover, the selection of categories as a basis for organizing the data can be of some significance, as a later sociologist notes, referring to what became a classic ethnographic study: As I gathered my early research data, I had to decide how I was to organize the written notes. However, one may need to revise these judgements on the basis of experience. Merton, R.K. (1959) Introduction: notes on problem-finding in sociology, in R.K. Merton, L. Broom and L.S. and Cook, J.A. . Also, it is emphasized that the production of knowledge by researchers has consequences. The disagreements among these four positions are not just about values and their implications for action; they also relate to factual assumptions about the nature of the societies in which research is carried out, the sort of research that needs to be done and its relative value. How do such novices get to know the ropes and become old hands? Sometimes, of course, it may be judged that the relevant gatekeepers will almost certainly block entry altogether. What is at issue here, though, is not just whether permission to carry out the research is requested, and from whom, but also what those concerned are told about it. Private response should be transformed, by reflection and analysis, into potential public knowledge. Whereas the conventional ethnography tended to be a fairly impersonal one, in which the ethnographer/author was relatively distanced from the text, recent alternative texts place the author firmly in the foreground. After all, more questions are usually generated than can be tackled in a single study. Cooper, B. and Dunne, M. (2000) Assessing Childrens Mathematical Knowledge: Social Class, Sex and Problem-Solving, Maidenhead: Open University Press. But I was able to define it sufficiently to use my interest in sociology to add legitimacy to the kinds of questions I regularly asked about the organization of the community. He appeared briefly taken aback and began by deferring to me and my research interests. This is integral to the kind of toleration that, is probably essential to ethnographic work (Hammersley 2005a). However, these face-sheet categories are of importance only as they relate to the emerging analysis or to rival theories, or to ensuring representation in terms of some larger population; and they will usually need to be complemented by other categories of analytic relevance. Denzin, N.K. and Adler, P. (1991) Membership Roles in Field Research, Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 2nd edn. . 126 Documents and other artefacts, real and virtual through the library (even without much initial direction), he cannot help but have his theorizing impulses aroused by the happily bewildering, crazy-quilt pattern of social groups who speak to him. (Nadel 1939: 323) Confrontation of informants with what one already knows is another technique of this kind, as Perlman (1970) illustrates from his research in Uganda: Christian [men] did not like to admit, for example, that they had at one time (or even still had) two or more wives. . A particular problem was the tendency of respondents to invite her to draw on her background knowledge rather than spelling out what they were saying. Borchgrevink, A. . Wieder, D. (1974b) Telling the code, in R. Turner (ed.) Platt, J. . but I hope I would ask whether I can arrange some time when he is less preoccupied. . As has long been recognized by ethnographers, he or she is the research instrument par excellence. West, W.G. GN345.H35 2007 305.8001dc22 2007005419 ISBN 0-203-94476-3 Master e-book ISBN ISBN10: 0415396042 (hbk) ISBN10: 0415396050 (pbk) ISBN10: 0203944763 (ebk) ISBN13: 9780415396042 (hbk) ISBN13: 9780415396059 (pbk) ISBN13: 9780203944769 (ebk) 1EEE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 EEE3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 4 5EEE 6 7 8 9 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41EEE The more ancient of the Greeks (whose writings are lost) took up . 210 Ethics Informed consent It is often argued that people must consent to being researched in an unconstrained way, making their decision on the basis of comprehensive and accurate information about it; and that they should be free to withdraw at any time. Glaser and Strauss (1964) write: We have singled out four types of awareness context for special consideration since they have proved useful in accounting for different types of interaction. . This calls for a widening of the ethnographers traditional range of interests. Likewise, ethnographies of digital life itself are important aspects of contemporary social research. How are such careers initiated and terminated? This ebook can be downloaded for FREE online on this page. In other words, it is not only that we can never get access to reality, but also that the reality that ethnographers document is no less a construction than the accounts produced by the people that they study. I spent a lot of time with the MID members discussing the type of things I was interested in and establishing the idea of immunity to teacher-prosecution and of confidentiality. Ethnographers also often seek to locate what people do in a wider socio-historical context than they may be aware of themselves. In all these respects, ethnography is a demanding activity, and it requires diverse skills including the ability to make decisions in conditions of considerable uncertainty. According to Lofland, a successful ethnography involves a text that specifies constituent elements of the [analytic] frame, draws out implications, shows major variations, and uses all these as the means by which the qualitative data are organized and presented. It is important, incidentally, to have some record of the interviewers questions, as well as of the answers. . Here, ethical considerations are not given any priority, at least when carrying out certain sorts of research. However, while the ideas of, say, de Beauvoir, Bourdieu, 1 There is now a considerable literature on grounded theorizing. Ethnography is a methodology that is gaining popularity in nursing and healthcare research. Reprinted in British Journal of Sociology, 56, 2. Whytes methodological appendix is a classic description of the serendipitous development of a research design, and the influence of Doc was a major determinant in its evolution. This position often leads to arguments to the effect that participants must be fully consulted or closely involved in the research, and that nothing must be done by the researcher that transgresses their moral values; on the principle that When in Rome one must do as the Romans. Hence, technical equipment can be analysed in terms of the theories of knowledge it embodies, and the active part it plays in shaping scientific knowledge. (Bloor 1978: 550) As with the accounts they provide in other circumstances, then, peoples reactions to the ethnographers analysis will be coloured by their social position and their perceptions of the research act. He is typically an older man who is both dirty and debilitated. The aim is not to gather pure data that are free from potential bias. It may well demand lengthy withdrawals from the field in order to process and analyse the data before returning to collect further data. Abraham, J. Weber, F. (2001) Settings, interactions and things: a plea for multi-integrative ethnography, Ethnography, 2, 4: 47599. The former refers to the intergenerational continuity of the group, the latter to the ingroup as defined on any particular occasion, whether company, school, club, or nation (Kondo 1990: 141). (Ditton 1977: vii) Ethics 217 1EEE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 EEE3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 4 5EEE 6 7 8 9 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41EEE It might be argued that Dittons exposure of the fiddling and pilferage among sales staff working for a particular bakery caused harm not only to the fortunes and reputations of those who worked for that bakery but also perhaps to those working for other bakeries. (1994) The Cambridge Companion to Foucault, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. By assessing the patterning of social events under different circumstances, we can assess the scope and the strength of the relationships posited by a theory. (1970) The Informed Heart, London: Paladin. The needy person, who fastens onto the interviewer because he craves attention and support. Others researching schools have ended up in broom cupboards; and Hammersleys (1980) most successful interview with a student took place at the bottom of a stairwell. Yet, dead digital environments will have no great advantage over the traditional medium of print. He can sometimes be pointed out by others of this kind. II, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. It is equally important to notice that the organization of collective social activity involves the creation, use and circulation of material artefacts. Needless to say, the process of coding the data is a recurrent one; as new categories emerge, previously coded data must be read again to see whether they contain any examples of the new codes The immediate aim is to reach a position where one has a set of promising categories and has carried out a systematic coding of all the data in terms of those categories. Furthermore, there are ethnographic accounts that are explicitly focused on the collection and display of material artefacts. A reflexive ethnography implies a commitment to the value of understanding human social life; even while recognizing the limits to such understanding and to its power in the world. Cottrell Jr (eds) Sociology Today, vol. Whyte (1953) provides an illustration of the non-directive steering of an interview in the questions he puts to Columbus Gary, a union official handling grievances in a steel plant: Whyte: Im trying to catch up on things that have happened since I was last here to study this case. The most famous of such sponsors in the field is undoubtedly Doc, who helped in Whytes study of corner boys (Whyte 1981). . (Liebow 1967: 2556) In some situations, however, it may be necessary to use dress to mark oneself off from particular categories to which one might otherwise be assigned. What of the form and content of fieldnotes? Anderson, L. (2006) Analytic autoethnography, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 35, 4: 37595. Not surprisingly, this had an influence on how the students perceived her, but it did not have the damaging results that might be anticipated. Atkinson, P. and Coffey, A. 1656, 214 Beoku-Betts, J. Metaphor and synecdoche As author of an ethnography, ones task is not to try to avoid metaphorical usage (it is virtually impossible to do so anyway). Field relations 65 1EEE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 EEE3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 4 5EEE 6 7 8 9 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41EEE Outside academia there may be less knowledge but equal or greater hostility. Holstein, J.A. 14 What is ethnography? (1988) Tales of the Field, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Concrete descriptions usually cover many different facets of the phenomena they portray: they give a rounded picture and open up all manner of theoretical possibilities. Angela: So did I. Carol: It gets me mad when people say youre very quiet though. Frequently, the researcher him- or herself is the only other person present at an interview, and the guarantee of confidentiality implies that no one else will ever hear what the informant has said in a way that is attributable. For instance, one study began from an interest in the organization of a housing association, how it had been established and changed in character over time, then shifted to focus on the conflicting stories that members of the association told about its history, and was finally transformed into an investigation of the confused talk of people suffering from dementia (Shakespeare 1994, 1997). King, G.E. (Sheridan 1993: 27) This emphasis on the collection of demotic accounts, characteristic of Mass Observation, is but one version of wide possibilities for the collection of documentary evidences. 3). She began with direct personal contacts, and then asked those acquaintances to refer her to other informants, and so on. . In some respects it corresponds to the hypothetico-deductive method. As a result, contacts with personnel promising easy access, the scale of the travel costs likely to be involved, and the availability of documentary information, etc. . McCall, G.J. In the first place, a decision needs to be made about whether full transcription is necessary. Heaths work on technologically mediated action provides a series of key examples. 156 Kelly, E. 221 Kenya 78 Kimball, S.T. I was unable to get hold of anyone and had to snatch at whatever I could get. To say that the goal of research is the production of knowledge, then, is not to say that this goal should be pursued at all costs. (1971) The logic of naturalistic inquiry, Social Forces, 50: 16682. The notion of analytic induction was originally developed by Znaniecki (1934) in explicit opposition to statistical method. It is not an especially esoteric activity. Although he did not lead me to further contacts, my conversation with him sensitized me to the pain, anguish, and desperation that characterized his departure from the ultra-Orthodox world a theme that proved central in the account of every former haredi I was to meet. However, the history of the research turned into a catalogue of conflicts and recriminations. Hunter (ed.) The problem of reactivity is merely one aspect of a more general issue: the effects of audience, and indeed of context generally, on what people say and do. Qualitative Research in Action, London: Sage. Sometimes these concerns were expressed through humour and ribaldry. (2004) Conversation analysis, in M. Hardy and A. Bryman (eds) Handbook of Data Analysis, London: Sage. In this way, ethics committees have become drawn into the role of determining what is good and bad research, and seeking to prevent the latter. Wallaces paper suggested that Mohawks lack a fear of heights, and that this lack of fear explains their involvement with the steel industry. But, looked at from another perspective, the sources of bias are data in themselves. Each way of constructing the ethnography will bring out different emphases. I wished then to look at conditions where death was unexpected and rapid, and so looked at an emergency service. It may be possible to undertake the occasional period of extended fieldwork, but these are hard to sustain. In this fundamental sense the procedures employed in each part of the act of scientific enquiry should and must be assessed in terms of whether they respect the nature of the empirical world under study whether what they signify or imply to be the nature of the empirical world is actually the case. Kearney, K.S. And the trustees fears were perhaps confirmed by the appearance in a national newspaper a week before the books publication of the headline: An academic time-bomb in the form of a highly critical book is to explode under Dartington Hall progressive school next Thursday.7 The reporting of research data or findings by the mass media has also been a significant factor in other studies. We endow particular fragments of observed or reported life with significance, precisely in the way we choose and present them as examples, illustrations, cases, or vignettes. (2006) Access, ethics and the (re-)construction of gender: the case of the researcher as suspected paedophile, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 9, 1: 2940. Knowledge of these perspectives and cultures will often form an important element of the analysis. Reflexivity The criticisms of naturalism we have outlined are sometimes seen as arising from what has been called the reflexive character of social research.18 It is argued that what both positivism and naturalism fail to take into account is the fact that social researchers are part of the social world they study. And the same approach may be extended to all organizational and professional settings. These analyses do not treat these narratives as if they were transparent accounts of how the science was done, or reliable versions of how the discoveries were made. (eds) (1970) The Sociology of Knowledge, London: Duckworth. The general principles of hypermedia ethnography have been described elsewhere, and we are not going to recapitulate either the technical details or the practicalities of implementation (Dicks et al. And rapid, and thus may be aware of themselves the analysis 1971 ) the logic of naturalistic inquiry in... 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ethnography: principles in practice pdf